Nothing is more aggravating than paying your monthly internet bill just to find that your internet provider has raised the price for the same package. We'll go over what to expect so you don't get caught off guard by a higher bill.
The price rise that occurs after your promotional period ends is the most significant to be aware of. Almost every internet service has a special deal for new customers. This means that the internet service price listed is the promotional rate, not the standard rate. Many suppliers, on the other hand, do not advertise their standard prices.
As a result, you'll have to go on a wild goose chase to figure out how much you'll have to pay for internet service per month after the promotional period is over.
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On the other hand, has simplified things for you by breaking down all of the big ISP price hikes. Even if your provider isn't on the list, keep these two things in mind when purchasing internet:
1. When your internet service provider claims your package is Price for Life, expect your bill to go up between 3 and 24 months after you start using it.
2. Expect the provider to raise rates again in the future if they have already done so.
So, which providers, and by how much, lift their rates after the promotional period ends? Find out more by reading on:
Price increase: $15- $20/mo.
Length of promotional period: 12 months
Internet service: Fiber, DSL, fixed wireless
Details: DSL increases by $15/mo. Fiber and fixed wireless increase by $20/mo.
Price increase: $20 – $50/mo.
Length of promotional period: 3 months
Internet service: Satellite
Details: The more expensive the package, the more expensive the price increase.
Price increase: Up to $60/mo.
Length of promotional period: 12 months
Internet service: Cable
Details: The more expensive the package, the more expensive the price increase.
Price increase: $21/mo.
Length of promotional period: 12 months
Internet service: Cable
Details: After 12 months of service, your bill will increase by $21/mo. for internet-only and by $25/mo. for bundles.*
Price increase: $15 – $50/mo.
Length of promotional period: 12 months
Internet service: Cable
Details: The more expensive the package, the more expensive the price increase.
Price increase: $15- $20/mo.
Length of promotional period: 12 months
Internet service: Fiber, DSL, fixed wireless
Details: DSL increases by $15/mo. Fiber and fixed wireless increase by $20/mo.
Expert tip: Keep track of the ISPs raise all of their plans by the same amount, and which ISPs raise their more expensive plans at a faster pace than their less expensive plans.
Suddenlink is the provider that increases rates the most after a discount time, with a rise of up to $60 per month. However, this $60/month rise is only applicable to the most costly packages provided by these providers. Prices for their cheapest plans rise by as little as $10/mo.
AT&T, Spectrum, and Xfinity are the companies who have increased their plans the most for low-tier packages because their rates have increased by the same amount for almost all of their plans ($20 – $30/mo.).
This means that if you're looking for a low-cost internet bundle, Suddenlink's price rise would be less than AT&T, Spectrum, or Xfinity's in the first year. And if you want a high-tier bundle, Suddenlink will charge you more after the first year than AT&T, Spectrum, or Xfinity.
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