As another year comes to an end, it's time for the most feared of internet media articles: the predictions piece. Making predictions regarding the near future of internet technology from a developer's standpoint.
Prediction posts in the IT industry are especially risky since things change quickly and often with a befuddling lack of logic. Who would have guessed that "Web3" would become the buzzword of 2021? Even the most optimistic crypto VC would not have predicted that a year ago Who'd have guessed that a firm would release a metallic orb that analyzes people's eyes and pays them in cryptocurrency?'
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Scoop: In 2022, Doppel, a new metaverse social network, will emerge from secret mode and go public. Due to a breakthrough VR device that will cost less than $100 and a magnificent 3D virtual environment, it will create a stir and be the tipping point for metaverse technology (completely web-based). FOMO and a major exodus of TikTok influencers will lead millions of individuals to sign up within months. Every day, tens of millions of people will go "invirt"* to work and play inside Doppel by the end of the year.
To be immersed in virtual reality, consider invirt to be the virtual reality equivalent of the internet.
Because of what analysts are calling "the Doppel Effect," Meta's stock price will plummet, and Facebook will lose tens of millions of daily active users as people progressively spend all of their time inside Doppel.
Okay, if you haven't figured it out yet, this forecast is a hoax. In the 2016 sci-fi novel Presence, set in 2051, Doppel was a Facebook-like VR corporation. Forecasts included this to demonstrate how dangerous and little ludicrous making tech predictions can be!
"Serverless functions [will] hit the mainstream," noting that "a remarkable 46 percent of developers reported using serverless functions in at least some of their projects" (source: Netlify's 2021 Jamstack survey). Next year, a percentage will surpass 50%, putting serverless functions "on par with containers and microservices" as a popular developer tool.
In other words, 2022 might be a watershed moment for serverless computing, possibly paving the way for it to become the cloud computing of the future.
"A new metric for responsiveness" will emerge in 2022 or 2023, "but even the previewing of what they're working on is going to continue to modify the messaging that SEOs send to customers, and adjust spending correspondingly,"
This will have a big impact on the FID measurement, which Russell claims was "known-poor at the time of CWV's inception." As Google fixes it, "it'll leave a lot less leeway for frameworks that play games or try to justify terrible results."
The pressure is now on Apple in relation to mobile browsers, as I mentioned in my top stories of 2021 essay. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) of the United Kingdom began market research into mobile ecosystems in June, focused on Apple and Google, and presented an interim report this month. "As a result of the WebKit restriction, there is no competition in browser engines on iOS, and Apple effectively dictates the functionalities that browsers on iOS can offer," the CMA said of the browser prohibition.
One of my sources believes that Apple will be required to open up to external browser engines in 2022, not just in the UK but also in the US and other regions, according to a report given to the CMA. This is what this person said to me:
"It's difficult for me to envision a scenario in which third-party browsers are allowed on iOS in the UK without having a significant impact in other countries." The US regulators will say, "Looks like everything is fine in the UK on the security/privacy front; therefore, we want you to do the same thing here." I don't think Apple will challenge it."
It's uncertain at this point in time, December 2021, if the crypto market — now known as "Web3" — is at a market peak comparable to 1999, or if it's just getting started, as the web in 1993. In any case, I expect a market drop in 2022. Here's the conclusion:
The primary criticism of Web3 right now is that aside from tools for speculation like crypto exchanges and NFT marketplaces, nothing practical has been produced using crypto and blockchains. Web3's technical architecture is weak, and it isn't as decentralized as many crypto enthusiasts claim. On the other hand, the same rationale might be used to support the 1993 analogy, when the web was still in its infancy and not ready for mass adoption.
However, given the scarcity of viable Web3 products, I believe the market's worth is currently outrageously overstated. Remember that the initial wave of Dot Com IPOs, which began with Netscape in the second half of 1995, didn't start until the second half of 1996. At the time, web platforms were rapidly expanding and attracting the interest (and fierce competition) of large tech giants like as Microsoft and Oracle. But what is the equivalent of Netscape or Yahoo on the Web3 platform? Perhaps Coinbase, but only because it is used by millions of individuals to speculate on cryptocurrency.
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