Some internet service providers are offering free internet service in response to COVID-19. From students to low-income families and households. Here are some Providers to help make internet service free and more affordable.
Comcast is offering free internet through its Internet Essentials Program, available free for new customers for two months. They also offer Wi-fi hotspots open and free to use by anyone.
Families with K-12 students or students from universities can signup, free internet for two months. With the speed up to 100Mbps at no cost. Call us at 1-888-317-7540 to determine if you are qualified. Spectrum also offers free internet through their hotspot.
Optimum and Suddenlink internet providers also offering two months of free internet for families with students from K-12 to college students. With the speed up to 30Mbps. Call us to check if your area is qualified.
Most families can qualify for free to such internet provider programs. If you are struggling to pay for the internet due to the global pandemic, This is the best option for you. Call us to find out if it works for you.
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The internet allows us to connect with each other from all over the world, find the answer in a matter of seconds to almost every question, order food, get directions, send pictures, and so much more.