Everyones knows or uses Zoom nowadays. From parents, friends, neighbors, and especially co-workers. The Video conferencing software company has a moment during this pandemic. Zoom helps us call our loved ones and especially helpful for work at home videoconferencing.Heres a cheat sheet of the default hotkeys or keyboard shortcut for Zoom on Windows
Go to next tab (right): Ctrl+Tab
Go to previous tab (left): Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Go to previous chat: Ctrl+Up
Go to next video stream in Gallery: Page Down
Go to meeting controls: Ctrl+Alt+Shift
Go to the previous video stream in Gallery: Page Up
Go to Invite menu: Alt+I
Go to next chat: Ctrl+Down
Jump to chat: Ctrl+T
Close current chat: Ctrl+W
Switch Zoom windows: F6
Toggle fullscreen On/Off: Alt+F
Switch to Active Speaker view: Alt+F1
Switch to Gallery video view: Alt+F2
Close front window: Alt+F4
Toggle In-Meeting chat panel: Alt+H
Toggle Participants panel: Alt+U
Toggle audio On/Off for all except host: Alt+M
Toggle Screen Share On/Off: Alt+Shift+S
Stop current Screen Share and launch a new one: Alt+S (only works when the meeting control toolbar is onscreen).
Toggle video On/Off: Alt+V
Toggle audio On/Off: Alt+A
Raise/Lower hand: Alt+Y
Start remote control: Alt+Shift+R
Stop remote control: Alt+Shift+G
Pause/Resume Screen Share: Alt+T (only works when the meeting control toolbar is onscreen).
Switch camera: Alt+N
Toggle floating meeting controls: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H
Pause/Resume recording: Alt+P
Take a screenshot: Alt+Shift+T
Search: Ctrl+F
Start/Stop local recording: Alt+R
Start/Stop cloud recording: Alt+C
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